Have you spent another day feeling riddled with anxiety and have you been asking yourself “Why?” “Why am I feeling so anxious”? or “Where is this anxiety coming from?” It is only natural to want to understand what causes your anxiety as it can often help to get to the root of the problem. Yet I often notice that clients keep asking this question even after they have identified what causes them anxiety. Viewed from the outside, they appear to be under a spell which compels them to ask the same question all over again. Luckily being on the outside, I have more of a chance to escape the wicked power of this compulsive spell and see beneath the surface of what can often feel like a curse.
The “why” question being asked is not to do with the causes of anxiety such as upbringing, work, stress or worries about the future. More than questioning the actual cause, clients question whether or not they are OK as human beings. In other words they question themselves, often without mercy: “What is wrong with me that I am constantly anxious?” “Is there something wrong with me that I am unable to get over my anxiety?” This question then is no longer coming from the curious and wise part within yourself that is trying to find a solution. It is rather the inner critic that is using the word “why” to dress up as a curious helper only to beat you up by questioning your sanity – what a travesty! This can easily be overlooked as we live in a world where the concept of cause and effect dominate our thinking. So, if you already know the cause of your anxiety and part of you keeps wondering why you are anxious, you may want to identify your inner critic, strip it of its sheep’s clothing and send it packing. The last thing you need when you are anxious is your critical voice trying to question your sanity.
A different way of approaching you anxiety is to look beyond cause and effect by exploring the potential it can hold. Click here to see how you can do that…